You can tell a lot about a person by their relationship lives. People play out their emotional, psychological and spiritual dramas most clearly in relationships because they are highly emotional and intricately connected to emotional pain, conflict and expectations from our pasts. 
You  are the common denominator in your own life. It’s not him, it’s not her, it’s not them. It’s you!
Universal  principle matches you exactly with who you are, having been informed by your experiences and belief systems. The track that plays in your mind, unconscious or conscious is attracting your circumstances and your mates or lack thereof.
You get what you are and think about most, not what you think you want or simply  hope for. If those things do not align, what you want, and what you think, you get what you think, over and over…Repeat  Performances.
“But  my anger is justified, it’s true that every man I’ve been with has mistreated me or taken from me.” You  are carrying a program of expecting and accepting this as “normal.” It may have been true that those things happened in the past. Do you want this in your future?

At  a certain point, transformation is a yes or no answer. That is all.

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