People are starving for intimacy. Our society has become one of limited personal intimacy. Oh, we are all very busy, and involved with a lot of other people, but we are not in fact connected in deep ways. Consider our love of social media. We communicate in sound bites with people we know and some people we don't know. The success of Facebook  says to me that we long to share, want to be connected, desire friends, want to be liked. But, why are we on the computer seeking these things instead of nurturing the relationships we have with people up close in our lives? Why? Fear of Intimacy that involves more than getting naked and hooking up.

Isn't it interesting that some people have no problem being physically naked with near strangers and casully engage in an act that is actually an exchange of spiritual energy, and that sometimes has the potential to create a new life, but when asked to be emotionally naked with that same person or another, they freak out entirely. Why is this? Fear of Real Intimacy, which involves being vulnerable, being present, caring with an open heart, loving through thick and thin, and dare I say it, being committed. Real Intimacy scares the bejeezus out of people!

Funny thing is, everybody wants it, but a lot of people will not allow themselves to have it. The risks of rejection and hurt feelings are too much. Instead, we have become a society with epidemic addiction rates: sex, drugs, shopping, gambling, food, and the list goes on. What these addictions suggest to me is that there is an internal void that people are feeling in record numbers,
and they have nowhere to turn. They do not feel safe enough to share themselves fully with any other human being.

Here's my challenge: For your own sake, and so that you can enhance your own relationships, stick your neck out, or should I say stick your heart out. Share something personal and intimate with someone you know and trust. Open yourself and experience what it is like to be authentically you without regard to how uncomfortable you might feel in the moment. That is to be
expected. It is only the ego doing its job to protect you from perceived risk and harm, but as you know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you want real, you gotta bring the real.

What are your intimacy issues?

Let The LoveAttraction  Workbook be your guide.
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